Vicious Circle


Collection Vicious Circle arose in contrasting masculine and feminine positivity and negativity, that under our seemingly ordered world forms a completely new life with its own rules and patterns. I present to people the ornaments of social degeneration through textile art and fashion.

The cult of Charles Manson, one of the most notorious sex offenders inspired me to create a collection based on sex offenders and factors tied to them. There are multiple social factors that frequently form the background of a sex murderer. From a violent childhood to sexual abuse, that lead to one's sexual disorders and develop into distinct fanatical behaviours – fetishisms, perverseness, elevated interest in pornography. The abuse of alcohol and narcotic substances are also very typical to a number of serial killers, or their malformation has already started in the very womb of an addict mother.

There are a vast amount of these factors and I chose four – sex offenders, who with their deeds have obtained the status of an "icon", drug abuse, pornography and violence. The narcotic substances, weapons or pornographic drawings are not necessarily tied to the criminals. The patterns symbolize the paths that concern many a sex offender and a muckle of hideousness can be found observing these patterns separately. One pattern completes the other and thus a circle of death is formed. The patterns in my (circle of) collection are not one-to-one tied to the stories of the criminals I chose as the main subjects of my patterns. They rather symbolise complementing factors that are typical of the formation of a sex offender and hence the name of the collection is "The Vicious Circle".

I do not aspire to improve the world or create theories why one or the other person becomes a criminal. I conduct a degenerated portrayal of a culturally and aesthetically structured path in which we can notice the rudiments and allusions to violence. These subjects are not foreign to us, since we absorb them in one way or the other. We have arrived to a world where violence can be bought, sold and exchanged. Likewise can no one ignore the Mr. Hyde hidden in them, whether he appears while aggressively climbing the corporal ladder, breaking dishes, consuming alcohol, during sexual intercourse, watching horror films or another way.

Everybody likes beauty and in the contemporary society, appearance has gained a distinctive status of currency. With the help of detailed and subtle patterns I have created new surfaces that carry into oblivion everything evil behind them. The collection consists of four sets of patterns that I present as feminine and masculine garments. The formed ornaments become acceptable to people and the actual background becomes inconspicuous. I will bring out this background in the form of a video installation.

In contrasting beauty and ugliness, I used destructive and chemical methods for the composition of patterns on the collection of fabric – screenprint, burnout print and silicone print. The observation of the conflict between aesthetics and reality should arise thoughts on what we actually see.

Tartu Art College (University of Applied Sciences)